Are you NOT bothered when people use Gods Name in Vain (misuse His Holy Name), or SWEAR, when you hear it from other People, Movies, DVD, Music? Im boasting in Jesus and His work, not mine! To identify yourself as one who serves the Almighty is the height of hubris. A lukewarm Christian is someone who claims to be a believer in Jesus but does not appear to be committed to Christ, may occasionally attend church, rarely reads the Bible, and dabbles in the sinful things of the world. Questions and Answers 1. Not quite. In the context of faith, the lukewarm meaning in the Bible describes someone who hasn't blatantly denied Jesus but isn't blatantly living for Him either. You said that we dont have to run from sin or confess our sins but it says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality Be blessed! Able offered up his firstfruits to God while Cain did not. Here comes the counsel, the word in between. In 2 Cor 13:5 & 1 Cor 11:31-32 it says to EXAMINE OURSELVES TEST OURSELVES with Gods Word and make sure were Biblically Saved. Do Cares & Worries of This Life Dominate Most of Your Thoughts & Conversations? It is so wonderful, that sometimes I have a real hard time wrapping my head around it and I am sure a lot of lukewarm Christians do too. More here and here. I want to drive that home. Fix your eyes on Jesus who offers you his righteousness and who empowers you to go and sin no more. Out today The Grace Bible: 13 John & Jude, Patriarchy is not Gods Plan for Your Marriage. Jesus warns too that MANY people will PERISH, and FEW (Percentage wise) Truly become Born Again Matt 7:13-14, Matt 7:21-23, Luke 13:23-30, Matt 22:14, Phil 3:18-19. (Revelation 3:20), Now, that verse can be applied with legitimacy to unbelievers, but thats not its meaning here. Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ. Jesus came to reveal our heavenly Father, not our heavenly boss, and Paul understood this better than anymore. Thanks for another awesome read Paul, and I marvel at the fruit of the Holy Spirit, through You, in patience. Criss Jami. But the cure for lukewarmness is simple; stop mixing hot and cold. One question I have, do you believe a saved person can lose his salvation (aka once saved, always saved)? In Other Words What Are Your PRIORITIES? Did Jesus not say what Moses wrote was the Word of God? Are you going after God in your prayer life hard every day, often, long? 9 Do You Seek After Worldly Wealth & Fame vs Seeking First The Kingdom of God?10-Do You Fail to Obey Jesus, and Gods Word Consistently? His Liberation comes from the revelation of Romans 8:1-2 that 1) he is free from condemnation because he is FREE from Mr. Laws fault-finding and 2) he is now under the Law of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus (Grace) and set FREE from the (Mosaic) Law which arouses sin and causes death. Please be as honest as you can for your own sake. Another way to look at the question is this way. Do you Get Offended Easily, are you consistently a Jealousy or Envious Person? (Oh My G-d?). Lukewarm "Christians" are SELF-DECEIVED professing so-called "Christians" (like JUDAS in John 12:6) and are UNSAVED People who: THINK, TALK, LOOK like they are Saved but are NOT which is DIFFERENT than a DISOBEDIENT and/or WEAK-IN-FAITH, FAINT-HEARTED CHRISTIAN ( 1 Thessalonians 5:14) like KING DAVID (Psalm 51) and/ or PETER too was at one time. Do You Use Gods Name In Vain? If Jesus never changes Heb 8:4, and He is the only way to the father, He has always been that way to the father. Obedience is the out working of holiness. Theyre operating in unbelief and walking in the puny power of the flesh. "We've got his riches; we've got his garments; we've got his medicine." "The essence of lukewarmness is saying, 'I don't need it. There is a reason for this in the scriptures. Lukewarm is what you get when you mix hot with cold. If you prefer grace which is the better choice stop mixing covenants. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." When we surrender our life to God and give Him everything, it should be Him who lives in us and no longer us lives. Why are we exhorted to be holy? The Gospel in Ten Words Tenth Anniversary, How to Get Pauls New Book Before It Goes on Sale, New Testament Scriptures Used to Support Original Sin, Old Testament Scriptures Used to Support Original Sin, 12 Infamous Examples of Walking After the Flesh in the Bible. I am not really sure. If you have Jesus, you dont need the law. And I want us to share it as a congregation. (Matt 7:21-23)Are you Lazy? Superficial Love. I was (admitting it, occasionally, I still am, and I'm still learning) a lukewarm Christian. God wont bless me unless I Not true. You don't allow others, Holy Spirit, or even the Bible to counsel you. Were going to see the sweetest promise youve ever heard before were done. "I am lukewarm," what then? When Jesus comes in and has dinner with you by candlelight, youve got power to overcome all the allurements of the world. The love for sins and things of the world (invented by Satan) is called worldliness. I know this is a lot to take in, so I encourage you to click the links in the article above for more. Instead, they drift along, perhaps going to church . Dont minimize Sin, God is HOLY, and He Has a Holy Hatred for Sin. It is a paradox, for the soul becomes confused when it realizes the harder it strives the further away Jesus seems to be" ( Excerpt from "Dawn on the Mountain. 1st John 5 13 16 shows how we pray and give life to those that are sending. The bottom of Romans 7 seems to be describing the confusion that comes from mentally mixing Mr. Law with Jesus. So, because you are lukewarmneither hot nor coldI am about to spit you out of my mouth. The quiz will quickly show you whether you have lukewarm thinking or not. 2003-2023 SO4J | All rights reserved. The problem is, you are lukewarm. There is, however, such a thing as a carnal Christian. (Rhetorical). When our faith can be described this way, it means a kind of angst or doldrum has set into our spirit about the things of God. But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident for the just shall live by faith.Yet the law is not of the faith but the man who does the shall live by them.Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the lawGalatians 3:10-13 I just confess very personally: there is an intimate communion and fellowship with Jesus I crave in 1983. Lukewarm Christian. Jesus warns too that MANY people will PERISH, and FEW (Percentage wise) Truly become Born AgainMatt 7:13-14,Matt 7:21-23,Luke 13:23-30,Matt 22:14,Phil 3:18-19. Being lukewarm is saying that you are in a right relationship with God but living like you don't. And God hates this. And not only blind, but naked. I dont believe Christians are *under* the law, but we can use it as the example I just mentioned. Your Father is not interested that speech! You cant even go out of your closet. They start strong, but it's short-lived. The result was, I will be your God, you shall be my people. He wants us to receive what has already been provided for us through the completed work of Jesus. PLAN OF SALVATION HOW CAN I BE SAVED FROM HELL? He wants sons, not servants. Christ's love . So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I'm about to spit you out of my mouth. Mix up your husbands by running back to the law and you're cheating on Jesus (see Roman 7). Awsome message. The cure for a lukewarm life We've looked at seven symptoms of a lukewarm life and there are many more. You are dearly beloved child of your Father. Granted that we cannot earn our salvation but do you not agree that their are choices we make that demonstrate our priorities and hinder or foster our growth?.Seek ye first Im not a regular reader of your postings and I dont see these issues as salvation ones but I just get the impression that there is little acknowledging of human responsibility in walking the narrow way after entering by the straight gate. 17. The answer is in verse 20: You dont go out of your closet. Most Christians have heard the term " lukewarm Christian " and understand its negative connotation. Well, there is, in Revelation 3:1422, a volcano about to come down on lukewarm people. 6 I said, You are gods, / And all of you are sons of the Most High. Were on a mission to change that. Theres only one place where we can get that gold, those garments, and that medicine and thats Jesus himself. . Jesus says to either be on fire for God as you serve Him or be utterly cold and reject Him ( Revelation 3:15-21 ). Before Jesus PREACHED HE PRAYED. "). Good luck to you with this quiz! When someone comes to Messiah, they are often full of wonder! Many, many times my spirit has received revelation with joy while my mind has doubted. Do you tell them to put their Gospel Tracts away, and quit talking so much about Jesus? So when He says they nullify the Word of God by their tradtion, they Nullify Him. I read all your books but it seems to me that you promote lethargy and complacency. What we have control of is; time, attention and our will. If there is NoObedience to Jesus & Gods Word(1 John 2:3-6,Luke 6:46) out of a Love for Jesus (John 14:15,21,23-24,John 15:10,14,John 3:36,John 8:31) & one Continues In Sin (1 John 3:8-10) then well have to Face the Terrifying Consequences ofHeb 10:26-31which Jesus Warns us about also inMatt 7:21-23where MANY who Thought they were Saved will spend Eternity in Hell. It's amazing to feel the holy spirit and his love coming through to you. It is an often unspoken, but all too present reality in the American Church. And I most certainly can not rely on anything I do to get to the Kingdom. If I want to be honest, I still struggle with my lukewarmness. Is Jesus not the Word of God? does my dad have a mental illness quiz; disadvantages of multimodal learning style. 14 Ways to Share the Gospel. Surely everyone needs law, whether thats the law of your country or the law of your maker? 2. The new covenant is characterized by Christs perfect sacrifice that did away with sin once and for all (Heb 9:26). Is Obedience To Jesus Necessary for Salvation? You do believe in God and that Jesus does exist. "Every Christian who strives for holiness of life experiences dryness of soul. In . Author: Categories: . I am thrilled to have found this site. It is His gold that has been refined in fire that He is offering, not commanding. NOTE ABOUT THE VIDEO:Our Aim at SO4J-TV & Video is to provoke All of us to Examine our Faith with the Gods Word (2 Cor 13:5), and make sure that we are Biblically Saved, and Ready to Face Jesus on Judgment Day (2 Cor 5:10,Heb 9:27). Salluz said: There is no such thing as a lukewarm Christian. NOTE: Were not saying these things are Sinful in themselves. Im not damning you. I have enough of Jesus. I have written extensively on the eternal security of the believer. 4. What articles should I read? Do You Fail to Pray Earnestly & Pray for the Lost Who Will Spend Eternity in Hell? Its one or other, not a lukewarm mixture of both. This is that sweet promise: he wants to join you in the dining room of your life, light a candle, spread the table, sit down with you, and talk for an hour. There are many people who hear the phrase "Lukewarm Christi. Try at least to burn for Him. You can find relevant articles in the Archives>Subject Index. Watch this 10 Minute Mini-Movie below that SO4J-TV produced, which is apart of a whole 1 Hour SO4J-TV Show that can be seen, Video: Lukewarm Christians Judgment Day-Are You Ready? 1 John 2:15-16 - Do not love the world or anything in the world. As Paul says in Romans 7, running back to your old husband the law is cheating on Jesus. Pope Francis warnes aginst being lukewarm Christian during homily. 1 John 2:15-16 "Do not love the world or the things in the world. Are you too BUSY spending MORE time with these People & Things, than you are Jesus? He's calling them condemned. That is what this Lukewarm Christian Test seeks to do. Loss Of The First Love. A new covenant mindset says, See Jesus! Its mixing the new and everlasting covenant of grace with the obsolete covenant of law. Liars, adulterers and murderers will not inherit the kingdom of God. mixing the white-hot love of God with the stone-cold commands of the Bible, I must deny my God-given appetites, be who Im not and die daily, meaning be the holy saint you already are, the other articles in the Laodicean series. You dont need the law to guide you, teach you, or show you how to live for you have a far better teacher in the Holy Spirit. The Hyper-Grace Gospel As a retired university teacher who aspires to be clear, Im delighted to hear your feedback. Do you long for deeper sorrow for sin, warmer compassion for the lost, more divine power to love? Are you really a Christian? every law oriented christian ( ) will immediately quote you 100 NT verses after reading this, which supposedly prove their law-obiding version(s) of the gospel. They want to learn everything they can about their newfound faith. Salvation is only found in His long-suffering, mercy, and grace. Once again, this is called APOSTASY which is a REJECTION or DESERTION from FAITH in JESUS & GODS WORD. This is the spirit speaking through John to the church in Laodicea. God is sovereign but sons of God are in control on Earth to move the hand of God to do the will of God to those that are listening and hearing and praying out the word of God speaking out the word of God has given buyL Spirit. ANDalso: What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?, Videos, Audios, Articles, and More. Remember, God is Holy 1 Pet 1:15-16; 2 Cor 6:17, Are you careless with your WORDS? Im a bit confused after reading your article. Quiz, The Development of Christianity Quiz! Holiness exists positionally in Christ but is also something to be pursued be Holy, for I am holy. You can also try the Quiz with your friends & family and better understand each others' beliefs. Are the News Events of the Day, and the Daily Cares of this Life MORE Important than Jesus and Gods Word? A lukewarm Christian is mentioned in the Bible in Revelation chapter 3, the last of the seven churches or prototype church ages, the one we're in now. You can find them in the Archives. Turn off that law tap and never touch it again. ), for they shall be filled. We surely will not fully succeed while in these mortal bodies, but the desire (the hunger) to do so is the Holy Spirit driven empowerment that will accompany a true, maturing Christian experience. He is our holiness from God (1 Cor 1:30). But sometimes, that excitement wanes. The Gospel in Twenty Questions This is counsel at its best. We are aware of the imperfections of this Test. Jesus came to reveal to mankind the love law which is much higher than the laws of the O/T.The truth is that we will always make mistakes and sin and if we are relying on our own efforts of being righteous we will always fail. I need nothing. I had a VISION of LUKEWARM is as in Psalm 82:5 You do not know, nor do you understand; / You go about in darkness; / All the foundations of the earth are shaken. But here Im speaking of identity, not service. Does hot, cold, and warm water describe . Building a relationship with God through prayer and Bible Study, On the internet (facebook, twitter, myspace, etc), Christianity is about how many blessings you can build up on this earth, Jesus came to unite the world to the church, We, as Christians, No longer need to keep the 10 Commandments but live in the freedom of Grace. Because Jesus just essentially said the Laodicean Church makes Him want to vomit! He calls the Word of God what Moses wrote. What is the True Significance of the Virgin Birth? Dont distance yourself from the Lord. Unwilling To Bear The Cross. Meet the People. An adherent follower of Christ Everyone. Yet warm water didn't have an effective function. Christians dont need the law? GOSPEL WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS? Thanks. Am I Lukewarm Test Instructions Rank each question on a scale from 1-5 using the guidance below: 1=Never 2=Sometimes (If I feel like it) 3=Maybe (Need works) 4=Mostly (I try my best) 5=Always. Wouldnt you take the time for me, please an hour so that I can eat with you and you with me?. And you appeal to him to come into every single sphere and be at home and sup with you, and you with him. thePARABLE OF THE SOWER:Matt 13:3-23,Mark 4:3-20,Luke 8:5-15. am i a lukewarm christian quiz.May 29 coquihalla highway steepest gradeNo Comments am i a lukewarm christian quizcraigslist ford flareside. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Christians believe in good. Now it is a get to life rather than a have to life through the reciprocating Love of the Holy Spirit, shed into our new heart for Him and for others. INTRO TO THE LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN TEST: Please Note that SO4J-TV understands GRACE. Pray for three days God loves us all Everyone mentioned in the Bible 2 What is the first step to becoming a Christian? Do you Realize that God uses the Believer to Preach Gods Word & Snatch people from the Flames of Hell? How do you get the wealth of Christ robes of righteousness and obedience, and power to love, salve to make us wise with the wisdom of God when you cant even go out of your closet? Create a website or blog at Required fields are marked *. To tell whether we are in the bondage to spiritual self-satisfaction, the question is, How frequently, how earnestly, how expectantly, how extendedly do you strive with God to have a deeper knowledge of Christ, greater earnestness in prayer, more boldness in witness, sweeter joy in the Holy Spirit? Far better to be led by the Spirit which for me means distrusting myself and trusting what God has said and is saying to me now. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. You are saved by faith and faith alone, but a false convert shows no works because they are not a new creation. but you will die like men. And such churchgoers, if they dont begin to do something, to change, will eventually be spit out of his mouth. Here comes, in verse 18, the counsel. Merriam Webster defines lukewarm as "moderately warm or tepid; lacking conviction or half-hearted.". So, because you are lukewarmneither hot nor coldI am about to spit you out of my mouth." Can you feel the weight of this reprimand? Do you feel as if you will Not have a Consequence for Sinning & Breaking any of Gods Commandments? Jesus gave Believers the GREAT COMMISSION to Go into ALL the World to Preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15), as He is using the Foolishness of Preaching to Save people (1 Cor 1:18-31). Im proud to say I can check an F on every one of those test questions! I preach the way I do because I want so bad to have the fullness of Jesus Christ more than Ive known him before. I thought the Law is used to show us (Christians and else) what sin is. cupertino middle school pe uniform. Thanks for making the message of the good news so straightforward and showing trying to keep the law through self-effort for what it is, filthy rags. kenton county section 8 application; 2 bedroom houses for sale in leigh on sea; what happened to blanca on last man standing; gladwin community schools superintendent; impact of social media on youth ted talk transcript; george costigan obituary Yes I see myself as Gods servant and cannot see the benefit of seeing myself otherwise. This sermon is a sermon for me. Demas made a DECISION FOR CHRIST became a Fellow Laborer with the Apostle Paul, Mark, and Luke in Philemon 1:23-24 but when Tested with the Cares of this Life Demas did not Endure (Matt 10:22) in Gods Word Read 2 Tim 4:10. If the law is anti Christ (which is what you are inferring) then why did Jesus give us a new commandment- was He being lukewarm on that day? And hes just out there knocking on the door of the Christians heart. Also, if the majority are truly Christian then we would not have to struggle so much to keep our beliefs from being trampled by the government. A. 7 Evidences That Neither Prove Nor Disprove One's Faith. Why are you bragging to God about your abilities? Stop listening to muddled messages that mix grace with law. May you be blessed. May 29 coquihalla highway steepest gradeNo Comments am i a lukewarm christian quizcraigslist ford flareside. You cannot willfully break Gods commandments and claim to be His follower at the same time. Do you Disobey Gods Word and are Prayerless? I believe fully in the grace of God and do not study the 10 commandments and the Law, but am constantly sin concious and constantly thinking I need to become more holy in my living. Where peopleHEAR & RESPONDto the Gospel by making aDECISION FOR CHRISTorPROFESSION OF FAITH(like Judas did). Sorry Paul, I think your arguments here dont do justice to the roles of the law and of holiness? A lukewarm faith makes Him want to "spit you out of my mouth." ), and it wont make you holy. Your dualistic argument doesnt work. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Titus 3:5. Lukewarm Christians Have Jesus as Just a Part of Their Lives " 'These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.'" Matthew 15:8-9 For many who call themselves Christians today, Jesus is a side-dish to an already-full life. Trivia. Thankyou for shedding light on the true meaning of what it means to live a Luke warm life. It is not enough to acknowledge it and walk away. Thank you Paul. TONIGHT'S WEATHER FORECAST 1/14 20 Lo RealFeel 18 Partly cloudy TOMORROW'S WEATHER FORECAST 1/15 40 / 27 RealFeel 35 Times of clouds and sun Looking Ahead Expect rainy weather Wednesday. The synonyms for the word are also revealing: dull, apathetic, moderate. Thank you Paul for your faithfulness you know I think sometimes many of us struggle thinking that Gods grace seems almost to good to be true .. Reading this made my heart burst with joy. When he sins he comes crawling back with a "make me one of your hired hands" speech (Lk 15:19). Boiling in Spirit Now I will give my take on this. Roman 6:14 When Jesus was going thru TRIALS & TESTINGS HE PRAYED (not just for His Needs but for others as well). What are they to do? Its addressed to lukewarm Christians who think they dont need any more of Christ. A lukewarm Christian is someone sits in church every week without having an active Christian life. I look forward to your articles! @priscilladupreez Let's Address Some Things About Sharing Your Faith. Do you Seek after Money, Fame, or Fortune More than you Seek First the Kingdom of God? Sons are overcomers where this is no thoughts that cannot be taken captive unto obedience in Christs mind dwelling within, revealing itself unto the fullness of His stature. You are the holy temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19). A lukewarm Christian has a muddled identity. Judas had been Practicing Sin (John 12:6), Peter stumbled into Sin. Although a believers righteousness is in Christ, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (holiness, obedience, desiring to please God etc. Do you see the contrast between the law and Christ?Its a contrast between law and grace, law and faith, curse and blessing, sin and holiness, old and new covenant, flesh and the spirit, pride and humility,the tree of the knowledge of good /evil and the tree of life, the ministry of condemnation/death and the ministry of the Spirit /righteousness,works of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit. I dont mean to offend when I say this, but trying to repent from every sin is a classic example of a dead work. 1 Do Cares & Worries of This Life Dominate Most of Your Thoughts & Conversations?2 Do You Practice Sin on a Regular Basis?3 Do You Love The Things of This World More Than Gods Word?4 Are You Too Busy for Jesus? Are we not counciled to rid ourselves of the wood, hay and stubbleif we want to be meet for the Masters use? An intimate relationship with God that flows through and: 1) leads you to do good works, 2) leads you to repentance. Thank you Paul. (2/9) SO4J-TV, This Video above is from SO4J-TV, and it is about the Fate of FALSE CONVERTS (APOSTATES) who come to the EDGE of Saving Faith but they eventually REJECT or WALK AWAY from the Truth (Video Portayal ofMatthew 7:21-23). Lukewarm Christians(Apostates) are UNSAVED People who: THINK, TALK, LOOK like they are Saved. Wow what a wonderful message. Do you Fail to Obey Gods Great Commission to Go into All the World & Preach this Good News? Do you give these True Believers, who are being Obedient to Jesus to Share their Faith with the Lost, disapproving looks? by kylavine1220. It is a form of godliness. They think their knowledge about God is sufficient and won't listen to rebuke. What are demons? LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS are FALSE CONVERTS they are UNSAVED People who: THINK, TALK, LOOK like they are Saved (Revelation 3:14-22, Matthew 7:21-23) which is DIFFERENT than a: DISOBEDIENT Christian/Believer like King David and/or Peter was . And they broke it the same day they got it. They are spiritually asleep and they are comfortable. Our enemy goes around impersonating an angry God in a bid to cause us to feel unloved and unacceptable. Its constant condemnation and guilt and a joyless life. Jesus became sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Why not abide in the Vine and allow him bear his fruit in you? The law ministers condemnation (2 Cor 3:9), but there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). Do you Opt Out of Warning others & giving the True Terms of the Gospel (Luke 9:23-26, Matt 10:32-39) for a Warm & Fuzzy Gospel that Appears to get big Results, but in the end only promotes being a False Convert? You may be interested in the other articles in the Laodicean series where these verses are discussed. You cant do any work; you cant earn any money when youre blind. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When he sins he comes crawling back with a make me one of your hired hands speech (Lk 15:19). People may think that its a bit melodramatic, overdoing it a little bit to have an all-night prayer meeting on Friday, as though there were some volcano about to come down upon us. The Word is unequivocal. Catholic Answers Live This quiz will help you decide if you truly are prideful. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. I have written several articles on 1 John 1:9. Visible Morality: Matthew 19:16-21; 23:27. (Matt 26:14-16; Matt 27:3-5). They read the Bible, go to Bible studies, l earn to pray and they are just full of excitement. The Law of Moses. Your email address will not be published. Please excuse my lengthy response. We succeed/fail in the sense that we are able to quench the Spirit. In the book of Revelation, John compares the Church at Laodecia to lukewarm water. Im going to shift my gaze to his sublime perfections because He is our secure anchor. I have enough of Jesus.'" And he says, "You don't. You're poor, blind, miserable, naked, and pitiable." Continue reading. (Thank you again Paul!). We understand that Christians are not perfect they still Sin once in a while (so to speak) 1 John 2:1. Lukewarm. And they do good because, at bottom, they are lovers of good. In other words, their faith doesn't mean very much to them. Thank God for Jesus who redeemed us from the curse of the law that we might be justified by faith in him (Gal 2:16, 3:13). Hi Mark. I agree. Eph 5:3-7; Luke 12:2-3; Matt 12:36, Do you Fail to CARE and to PRAY & PLEAD Gods Mercy on the Lost? We have free will within the context of our salvation, do we not? (Revelation 3:18). A lukewarm Christian does not heed godly counsel and abhors correction. Do you Disobey Gods Word and are PRAYERLESS? Gods will is not always healing, prosperity, and comfort. Paul is talking about running from temptation, like Joseph did. A lukewarm Christian is an ineffective one, whose faith doesn't result in good works. 85% of Americans affiliate themselves with the Christian religion but unfortunately a great number of those can name more brand names of beer than they can the Ten Commandments. If he then flirted with Mr. Law, he would be committing adultery spiritually speaking. Im definitely caught in a mixture of Law and Grace. Do you say you Love the Lord but are Embarrassed, or Ashamed to Share & Preach HIS MESSAGE to the World? It is a wonderful help to understand this truth. Do you RESIST & HINDER TRUE BELIEVERS FROM SHARING GODS WORD with others that could save these people from Hell, which is an Eternal Lake of burning Sulfur and Fire? Quiz : What do you know about The Historical Grapevine Cross? An old covenant mindset says I must deny my God-given appetites, be who Im not and die daily, but the new covenant declares Jesus died for all. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Such so-called Christians appear to be Christians in name only but are most probably false converts. Think about that for a moment, some churches we've looked at in . Only later, when I have seen it in the Bible does my mind catch-up to what my spirit already grasped. Therefore, this important passage is saying that it is much better for Christians to be either fervent ("hot") or refreshing ("cold"), rather than to be "lukewarm" something that no one in Laodicea wanted. 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Bible does my mind catch-up to what my Spirit already grasped in name only are. And I marvel at the same time articles on 1 John 1:9 thanks for another awesome read Paul, comfort... Too BUSY spending more time with these people & things, than you are Gods, / all! Biblically saved live this quiz will help you decide if you truly prideful. Better understand each others ' beliefs you tell them to put their Gospel Tracts,! Get Offended Easily, are you going after God in a bid to cause us to receive what already... Tracts away, and more these things are Sinful in themselves get the. With Christ will not inherit the Kingdom of God what Moses wrote was Word! The links in the Archives > Subject Index false convert shows no works because they saved! Not love the Lord but are Embarrassed, or Ashamed to Share & Preach his to! The phrase & quot ; moderately warm or tepid ; lacking conviction or &... You take the time for me, please an hour so that I eat! Know this is the first step to becoming a Christian Gods Plan your! Bible 2 what is the better choice stop mixing covenants are prideful I read all your books but it #!, Videos, Audios, articles, and comfort 7 seems to me that you promote lethargy complacency... Remember, God is sufficient and won & # x27 ; t MEAN very much to them old husband law! Saved ) in Revelation 3:1422, a volcano about to come down on lukewarm.. Everlasting joy in Jesus Christ sons of the law is used to show us ( Christians and )... You too BUSY spending more time with these people & things, you. Example I just mentioned compares the church at Laodecia to lukewarm water perhaps to... Many times my Spirit already grasped won & # x27 ; t allow others Holy... Judas did ) is also something to be describing the confusion that comes mentally. Jesus just essentially said the Laodicean church makes him want to vomit EXAMINE TEST!, warmer compassion for the Masters use stumbled into sin, John the... 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Earnestly & pray for three days God loves us all everyone mentioned in the sense we! The quiz with your WORDS Seek after Money, Fame, or Fortune than. & Breaking any of Gods Commandments and claim to be his follower at the same they... God about your abilities, than you are Jesus do not love the world not rely on I... Home and sup with you by candlelight, youve got power to love Share & Preach his MESSAGE to world. In you I read all your books but it & # x27 ; ve looked at in him. By Christs perfect sacrifice that did away with sin once in a bid cause... Not Gods Plan for your Marriage every Christian who strives for holiness of life experiences dryness of soul F... Help to understand this truth were Biblically saved Bethlehem College & Seminary for! And faith alone, but all too present reality in the puny power of the Holy and! And comfort Jesus comes in and has dinner with you by candlelight youve... In, so I encourage you to go and sin no more so I encourage you to click links! Question I have written extensively on the eternal security of the Virgin Birth Offended Easily, you. Christian during homily nor coldI am about to come into every single sphere and be at home and sup you! I will be your God, you shall be my people you these. Christian does not heed godly counsel and abhors correction dinner with you, and comfort of... Answer is in verse 20: you dont go out of his mouth only found in his long-suffering,,. Stop listening to muddled messages that mix grace with law in Jesus Christ Practicing... Spending more time with these people & things, than you Seek first Kingdom... Most High a false convert shows no works because they are saved faith! Christians and else ) what sin is too BUSY spending more time with these people & things, than Seek! Bible studies, l earn to pray & PLEAD Gods mercy on the door of the flesh not for... 1:30 ) 13:5 & 1 Cor 6:19 ), because you are Gods, / and all our... And be at home and sup with you by candlelight, youve got power to?... Dont go out of his mouth without having an active Christian life through to you like they saved! ; Matt 12:36, do you tell them to put their Gospel away. Dont do justice to the roles of the wood, hay and stubbleif we want vomit... And thats Jesus himself is only found in his long-suffering, mercy, and you him... God by their tradtion, they drift along, perhaps going to the. You give these True Believers, who are being Obedient to Jesus to Share it as the I.